Posts Tagged ‘training’
How to Deal With Difficult Employees
At some point or another, difficulties always arise in the workplace. When the difficulties stem from tricky negotiations with clients or troublesome mechanical failures, they’re simply a matter of patience. But when the troubles come from the employees themselves, it’s an entirely different story. Dealing with disruptive employees is one of the most difficult but…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated D Pattern
Individuals who have an elevated score in dominance generally exhibit extrovert and controlling types of tendencies: They are usually a combination of independence, efficiency, and self-motivation characteristics. Elevated D Personalities are driven to achieve, love getting results, and are determined to find success. Often, the Elevated D individual will break established rules and guidelines if…
Read MoreWhat should I look for in a Coach?
Hiring an Executive Coach is a great way to improve oneself! All executive coaches aren’t the same. You will need to do your research to find the best one. There are certain traits you should look for determining which coach is right for you. Successful coaches are able to motivate others and remain objective. So…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated I Pattern
Individuals who have an elevated score in Influence generally exhibit these types of tendencies: They tend to have a magnetic, charismatic personality. They make friends easily and love the social atmosphere. Generally, they are trusted by their friends. And, they rarely if ever break that trust because they hate to erode or destroy relationships. Usually,…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated S Pattern
Individuals who have an Elevated score in Steadiness generally exhibit these types of tendencies: Elevated S Pattern individuals are thoughtful, attentive, and considerate. They are instinctively good at relating to others. They accomplish goals through personal relationships with other team member and employees but are also able to complete tasks reliably. Elevated S individuals make…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated C Pattern
Individuals who have an Elevated score in Compliance generally exhibit these types of tendencies: The Elevated C Pattern individual requires structure and organization for peak performance. They are conscientious, careful, and have high standards for themselves and their work. Typically, Elevated Cs are referred to as analytical, methodical, or systematic. They are the types of…
Read MoreAsking for a Raise or Promotion
Maybe you’ve been in the same position for several years now. While you’re happy with your job, the compensation just isn’t cutting it as well as it did when you started. Or maybe you’ve done some research and discovered that what you’re being paid is well under the average for other people in your same…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DI Pattern
Individuals who rank “Elevated Dominance with Elevated Influence†generally exhibit these tendencies: Elevated Dominance and Influence Pattern individuals generally exhibit a blend of assertiveness, political astuteness, independence, and sociability. These individuals have a tendency to be direct and dynamic, tempered with an enthusiastic and self-confident manner. They can be charming, while at the same time…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DS Pattern
Individuals who have Elevated Dominance and Steadiness factors (and comparatively lower I and C) generally exhibit these tendencies: Anyone well versed in DISC methodologies – especially DISC practitioners – will find that the elevated dominance and steadiness pattern is fairly uncommon in the general population. When it does occur, it is important to understand that…
Read MoreInvest In Your Employees!
Invest In Your Employees Now… Thank Us Later. Companies looking to grow must invest in training their employees now more than ever! With the emergence of smartphones, social media, and online reviews companies simply can’t afford not to. One disgruntled customer. One product launch delay. Or one bad PR move can be the difference between…
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