DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated I Pattern
Individuals who have an elevated score in Influence generally exhibit these types of tendencies:
They tend to have a magnetic, charismatic personality. They make friends easily and love the social atmosphere. Generally, they are trusted by their friends. And, they rarely if ever break that trust because they hate to erode or destroy relationships. Usually, the Elevated I Pattern individual is described as political, being convincing and warm. Because of the Elevated I’s advanced level of social expertise, they are typically entertaining and motivating in their social circles.
Former President Bill Clinton is an example of the Elevated I individual. He is often seen as the elder statesman and as a special motivating force behind the Democrat Party in the United States. Whenever he gives a speech to a group of supporters, he can get them enthused to vote, support his initiatives, donate in substantial amounts or anything else that he or the party sees as necessary to promote the cause. He is an excellent communicator who has garnered substantial influence in the world.
Elevated I’s are social by nature. They are talkative and replenish their energy through social interactions with others. Known to have a great sense of humor, Elevated I’s are well liked by others. They are instinctive influencers and communicators. Elevated I’s are enthusiastic problem solvers, preferring to work in a team-oriented situation. They love to share information with other people on the team.
Elevated I’s are generally demonstrative in their communication with others. They are talkative but are usually seen by others as persuasive. Elevated I’s make excellent negotiators, knowing how to make peace between different parties.
Elevated I Patterns are Motivated By:
The Elevated I individual is motivated when others express acceptance or praise of their performance at work. They perform well when they are popular in the office, and take very well to flattery from their bosses or employees. Elevated I’s are best motivated in a peaceful and friendly environment. This is an environment where they are free to comment and build on the ideas of others, they are free from nitpicking and pettiness, and where there are open debates and dialogue. Elevated I’s like to get everything out in the open to deal with it. They are generally extroverts in that they want to deal externally with issues instead of holding them back.
President Clinton was always at his best when he was able to give a speech or have open debates with the members of Congress and his Executive Board. He was able to use his Influential nature to work together with the Republican-controlled Congress. This allowed more ideas to come into the political atmosphere, which is always healthy. The influence factor allows for speech to be encouraged instead of limited, which is a great asset to any organization.
Possible Weaknesses for an Elevated I Pattern:
The possible weaknesses of the Elevated I individual involve relying on gut instinct, preferring intuition and a sixth sense over logic when relating to others. When in decision-making teams, the Elevated I individual may choose form over substance. They may want to gain acceptance from their boss instead of doing what is necessary to make something work. Because the Elevated I often strives to be liked, they will sometimes let deadlines slip rather than hold others accountable. When dealing with conflict, the Elevated I individual can be overly emotional or may be more concerned with popularity than rendering a solution. At times, Elevated I’s listen only when convenient for a self-serving interest. This can cause Elevated I’s to have a lack of attention to detail when they don’t have a vested interest in the work they are doing.
Contact details:
CEO, Indaba Global Coaching, LLC
Office: 727-327-8777
Providing DISC Behavior Assessments to Leadership, Managers, Coaches, Teams to make understanding the impact of behavior easy!
Enabling Professors & Students to understand how behavior affects careers, decision making, and choices.