Change Management Training

We have assessments, eLearning, and workshops designed to help individuals and groups learn how to manage change. We specialize in customizing our approach to our clients and would love to learn more about you and your organization. This way we can tailor our solution to your needs. Check out the materials below and let us know what you think.


Transitional Timeline

DISCflex Change Assessment

DISC Change Assessment

Change Course eLearning

The Change program teaches employees how to deal effectively with the complexities and phases of change that can occur in an organization going through the transition. The goal is to educate employees in proven models that will help them make solid decisions whether the changes are currently happening, coming in the near future, or are off on the distant horizon. The Change program helps participants strategize and plan effectively, and execute those strategies. This course empowers the workforce to look for the best in a situation and to see transitions in a positive light – no matter if the change itself is one that seems daunting.

The sessions take participants through contingency planning models and show them how to systematically move people through change in a manner that encourages creativity and innovation. The psychology of change is important and the course spends a considerable amount of time instructing in this area. Without this critical information, managers and leaders find it difficult to move efficiently through change. Because change stirs activity, these sessions inspire that it is indeed possible to enhance productivity and provide inspiration during trying times and transition if leaders and the organization’s management know how to accomplish this goal.