Does Cold Calling Work?
Does Cold Calling Work? How do you generate inbound leads and sales? My company, Indaba Global, is a training and development company that works with everything from small businesses up to Fortune 500 clients, and we have identified a trend among clients we coach. Companies are focusing on the wrong resources and overpaying for outdated…
Read MoreDISC assessments improve customer service
Did you know? DISC Assessments improve customer service! According to British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, the average human being can only maintain a stable relationship with approximately 150 people. This is referred to as Dunbar’s Number. In short, this is the number of people you know on an inter-personal level and can reasonably predict how they…
Read MoreUpdated DISC Reports!
Indaba Global is proud to present our newly updated DISC Reports! You gave us feedback, and we listened. Our new updated DISC reports include a “What is DISC” page at the beginning of our reports, an upgraded Sub-Factor section, and an improved 3rd Party Feedback section. These changes will answer common questions we have received…
Read MoreBuild Better Relationships With Clients
Build Better Relationships With Clients In all types of business, and in good and bad economic conditions, the successful salesperson always has one main focus on their daily agenda – the customer. They know it’s much more cost-effective to sell more services to an existing client than to find new customers. Their client list is…
Read MoreUsing DISC assessments in the classroom
DISC Assessments are on campuses across the United States. The DISC program is being used at all levels. From undergrad to MBA classes. DISC Assessments help identify a student’s strengths and potential challenges. DISC reports identify students motivators and stressors. Teaching students the basics of DISC is a great way to engage students. The program…
Read MoreThe Trap of Staying in Your Behavioral Pattern
Using DISC to Master your Behavior Pattern Get it Done with a Simple 4 Step Process Sometimes what got you the success you enjoy today won’t always be what gets you to the next level. Whether this is in your career (or in life). That’s a universal truth. Your biggest strength is precisely what might…
Read MoreDISC develops Emotional Intelligence
Last spring, Dr. Bryan Forsyth first contacted Alex Fryer from Indaba Global. Dr. Forsyth wanted to become a DISC Coach. He enjoyed taking a DISC assessment and Alex trained him to become a coach. Dr. Forsyth also teaches a course on Emotional Intelligence for Ottawa University. During the training, he was interested to hear no…
Read MoreHow to Sell DISC – For Coaches
Many coaches are trained in DISC. They understand how to sell DISC assessments. However many are unsure of how to implement! Indaba makes the entire process easy. With no minimum purchase requirements. Coaches can sell DISC to 1 person or a large group of people. They are able to calculate their cost instantly. Please see…
Read MoreDISC vs DISCflex (Biggest differences between DISC and DISCflex)
DISCflex Reports DISCflex reports are personalized to your DISC factor scores. The reports provide you with unique information and tips based on your individual results. Most DISC reports provide cookie-cutter info based on your highest DISC factor(s). Think of our competitor’s DISC reports as being an over-priced department store suit. Meanwhile, DISCflex is a custom suit…
Read MoreOnline Hiring DISC Assessment – NEW
DISC for Hiring Everyone wants the best employees! You want to attract the best and brightest. During the recruitment and hiring process, it is important to not only look at the candidate’s performance in school/on the job. It is also important to look at their behavior! Are they aware of how they behave? Do they know…
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