DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated I Pattern
Individuals who have an elevated score in Influence generally exhibit these types of tendencies: They tend to have a magnetic, charismatic personality. They make friends easily and love the social atmosphere. Generally, they are trusted by their friends. And, they rarely if ever break that trust because they hate to erode or destroy relationships. Usually,…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated S Pattern
Individuals who have an Elevated score in Steadiness generally exhibit these types of tendencies: Elevated S Pattern individuals are thoughtful, attentive, and considerate. They are instinctively good at relating to others. They accomplish goals through personal relationships with other team member and employees but are also able to complete tasks reliably. Elevated S individuals make…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated C Pattern
Individuals who have an Elevated score in Compliance generally exhibit these types of tendencies: The Elevated C Pattern individual requires structure and organization for peak performance. They are conscientious, careful, and have high standards for themselves and their work. Typically, Elevated Cs are referred to as analytical, methodical, or systematic. They are the types of…
Read MoreFortune 500 Leaders: How do they do it?
Fortune 500 Leaders: How do they do it? According to British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, the average human being can only maintain a stable relationship with approximately 150 people. This is Dunbar’s Number. In short, this is the number of people you, know on an inter-personal level. It can reasonably predict how they will interact with…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DI Pattern
Individuals who rank “Elevated Dominance with Elevated Influence†generally exhibit these tendencies: Elevated Dominance and Influence Pattern individuals generally exhibit a blend of assertiveness, political astuteness, independence, and sociability. These individuals have a tendency to be direct and dynamic, tempered with an enthusiastic and self-confident manner. They can be charming, while at the same time…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DS Pattern
Individuals who have Elevated Dominance and Steadiness factors (and comparatively lower I and C) generally exhibit these tendencies: Anyone well versed in DISC methodologies – especially DISC practitioners – will find that the elevated dominance and steadiness pattern is fairly uncommon in the general population. When it does occur, it is important to understand that…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DC Pattern
This predominantly U-shaped pattern of individuals who have Elevated Dominance and Compliance factors, and comparatively lower Influence and Steadiness factors, is not especially rare or unusual to find in people. It is the typical pattern of a highly disciplined and well-prepared individual with a direct and sometimes frank, honest, no-nonsense communication style. This type of…
Read More5 Traits of a Successful Leader
What is a “Successful leader” and what traits do these leaders have in common? People in leadership positions often seek out the secret sauce or common traits of a “Successful leader”. The goal is to figure out what these leaders say and do and to model those behaviors while still keeping your own style. Think about…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated IS Pattern
Individuals who tally up an Elevated Influence and Steadiness score (and comparatively lower Dominance & Compliance) generally: Are indicative of an individual who is geared toward emotional involvement and feelings rather than data, facts, and objectivity. The inverted U-shaped pattern depicted by the combination of the Elevated I & S factors of this pattern will…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated IC Pattern
Individuals that have both Elevated Influence & Compliance factors (and comparatively lower Dominance & Steadiness factors) will generally exhibit these types of tendencies: Depending upon the actual circumstance, the hallmark of this profile pattern, where influence and compliance are nearly equally highly elevated when compared to the two D&S scores on the chart, is that…
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