DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated SC Pattern

Elevated SC Pattern

Individuals whose assessment results show a ranking Elevated in both Steadiness and Compliance factors; and also indicate comparatively lower scores in Dominance & Influence; will generally exhibit these sorts of tendencies. Individuals that have an Elevated Steadiness & Compliance pattern tend to have a combination of accuracy and patience that leads them to be very…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DIS Pattern

Elevated DIS Pattern

Individuals whose assessment grading indicates an Elevated score in three of the factors – D, I & S (and comparatively lower Compliance) generally exhibit these tendencies: The prevailing factor in the Elevated Dominance, Influence, and Steadiness pattern is that the compliance ranking is low. People with this profile have specific ideas about their goals and…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DIC Pattern

Elevated DIC Pattern

Individuals whose assessment shows rankings of three factors: Elevated in D, I, & C (and comparatively lower S) generally exhibit these tendencies: People that have a high sense of urgency, understand time constraints and how to deal with them, are usually Elevated D, I, & C’s. Their speed of response and impatient style make them…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DSC Pattern

Elevated DSC Pattern

Individuals whose DISC assessment results point toward a ranking with three elevated factors — Elevated D, S, & C (and comparatively lower Influence) will generally exhibit these types of tendencies: The combination of three elevated factors — dominance, steadiness, and compliance — can be a fairly complex pattern. The three elevated factors overshadow influence, which…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated ISC Pattern

Elevated ISC Pattern

Individuals whose assessment results depict an Elevated I, S & C factors (and comparatively lower d) generally exhibit these tendencies: Individuals with Elevated I, S & C factors exhibit a low dominance factor, which means that they are not very likely to be assertive or demanding. Rather, these individuals try to influence others through communication…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Compressed DISC Patten (DISC)

Compressed DISC Pattern

When a pattern is produced where all four DISC factors are very close to one another, it represents a special case and is labeled as a “Compressed DISC Pattern” or a “Flat Line” Pattern. When the scores are within a set range determined by our algorithm, it indicates that none of the DISC factors are…

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DISC assessments improve customer service

DISC Profiles, DISC assessments improve customer service

Did you know? DISC Assessments improve customer service! According to British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, the average human being can only maintain a stable relationship with approximately 150 people. This is referred to as Dunbar’s Number. In short, this is the number of people you know on an inter-personal level and can reasonably predict how they…

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Updated DISC Reports!

updated disc reports

Indaba Global is proud to present our newly updated DISC Reports! You gave us feedback, and we listened. Our new updated DISC reports include a “What is DISC” page at the beginning of our reports, an upgraded Sub-Factor section, and an improved 3rd Party Feedback section. These changes will answer common questions we have received…

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Using DISC assessments in the classroom

Using DISC assessments in the classroom.

DISC Assessments are on campuses across the United States. The DISC program is being used at all levels. From undergrad to MBA classes. DISC Assessments help identify a student’s strengths and potential challenges. DISC reports identify students motivators and stressors. Teaching students the basics of DISC is a great way to engage students. The program…

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The Trap of Staying in Your Behavioral Pattern

self talk forms actions and behaviors

Using DISC to Master your Behavior Pattern Get it Done with a Simple 4 Step Process Sometimes what got you the success you enjoy today won’t always be what gets you to the next level. Whether this is in your career (or in life). That’s a universal truth. Your biggest strength is precisely what might…

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