DISC Report Debrief

Today we are going to walk you thru a sample DISC report, but before we get started, it is important to note that no one person or company owns DISC. DISC is based on research and theories and has been adapted over time. Indaba Global Coaching Founder and Owner Hellen Davis created her own version…

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DISC vs DISCflex (Biggest differences between DISC and DISCflex)

DISC vs DISCflex, Checkout our Online DISC Certification, DISC Supplier

DISCflex Reports DISCflex reports are personalized to your DISC factor scores. The reports provide you with unique information and tips based on your individual results. Most DISC reports provide cookie-cutter info based on your highest DISC factor(s). Think of our competitor’s DISC reports as being an over-priced department store suit. Meanwhile, DISCflex is a custom suit…

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