Sarcasm: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly


How does sarcasm affect your relationships? The interesting thing about coincidences is that there are rarely any. Usually, it’s the universe knocking. Most often we ignore those knocks, and the doors to personal growth or opportunity never open, but as luck would have it, I was trapped on a plane where it’s a bit difficult…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated IC Pattern

Elevated IC Pattern

Individuals that have both Elevated Influence & Compliance factors (and comparatively lower Dominance & Steadiness factors) will generally exhibit these types of tendencies: Depending upon the actual circumstance, the hallmark of this profile pattern, where influence and compliance are nearly equally highly elevated when compared to the two D&S scores on the chart, is that…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated SC Pattern

Elevated SC Pattern

Individuals whose assessment results show a ranking Elevated in both Steadiness and Compliance factors; and also indicate comparatively lower scores in Dominance & Influence; will generally exhibit these sorts of tendencies. Individuals that have an Elevated Steadiness & Compliance pattern tend to have a combination of accuracy and patience that leads them to be very…

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Cell Phone Etiquette

Cell Phone Etiquette

These days, connectivity is often seen as the highest virtue and as an extremely desirable quality in a person. Being available and feeling “connected” to your group 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, whether it’s through the use of electronic organizers, laptops with wireless connections, or cell phones, has become an essential part…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DIS Pattern

Elevated DIS Pattern

Individuals whose assessment grading indicates an Elevated score in three of the factors – D, I & S (and comparatively lower Compliance) generally exhibit these tendencies: The prevailing factor in the Elevated Dominance, Influence, and Steadiness pattern is that the compliance ranking is low. People with this profile have specific ideas about their goals and…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DIC Pattern

Elevated DIC Pattern

Individuals whose assessment shows rankings of three factors: Elevated in D, I, & C (and comparatively lower S) generally exhibit these tendencies: People that have a high sense of urgency, understand time constraints and how to deal with them, are usually Elevated D, I, & C’s. Their speed of response and impatient style make them…

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How to Survive a Difficult Boss

My Boss is a Nightmare… What Do I Do? Having a difficult boss can turn even the simplest job into a nightmare. Whether a boss likes to yell at the top of his or her lungs or only makes a yearly appearance in the flesh, preferring to communicate through vague emails that “let you figure…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated DSC Pattern

Elevated DSC Pattern

Individuals whose DISC assessment results point toward a ranking with three elevated factors — Elevated D, S, & C (and comparatively lower Influence) will generally exhibit these types of tendencies: The combination of three elevated factors — dominance, steadiness, and compliance — can be a fairly complex pattern. The three elevated factors overshadow influence, which…

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Bridging the Generational Gap

Bridging the generational gap

The modern workforce is anything but a homogeneous place. Employees are represented by a broad range of social backgrounds, philosophies and value systems. This can make managing a diverse group of people a unique challenge. In particular, the differences between the various generations are immense. They must be addressed if a company is to avoid…

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DISC Patterns Explained – Elevated ISC Pattern

Elevated ISC Pattern

Individuals whose assessment results depict an Elevated I, S & C factors (and comparatively lower d) generally exhibit these tendencies: Individuals with Elevated I, S & C factors exhibit a low dominance factor, which means that they are not very likely to be assertive or demanding. Rather, these individuals try to influence others through communication…

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