Posts Tagged ‘What is DISC’
DISC Assessment – How to Dial Up Dominance
In certain situations, we must learn how to dial up our Dominance. These situations may come in group settings or individual scenarios. You may need to dial up your Dominance to get something done or to get your point across. Remember that Dominance does not just mean controlling situations; this factor can help you expand…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – How to Dial Up Influence
Influence is a necessary ingredient in today’s world. The Influence factor is the primary DISC factor that deals with relationships, communication, interactions, and every day we put our influencing skills to the test, whether they are working for us the way we need them to or not. Situations may come during group settings or one-on-one…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – Dial Up Steadiness
Since everyone has a bit of each of the four primary factors, it is important to understand that the mix of levels or elevations determines how much governance each of these four factors will have over your behavior. In this session, we are going to talk in depth about the Steadiness factor’s potential positive impact…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – Dial Up your Compliance
As you learn how to dial up your compliance factor, you will enhance your ability to follow guidelines to keep you on track, organized, and form cooperative relationships. Immediate Steps: We have come up with several steps that will help you work towards dialing up your compliance factor. These steps come both at the immediate…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – How to Dial Down Compliance
In some situations, you must learn how to dial down your compliance. This may occur when you’re working in a group or in a meeting. It is important for you to speak up and take initiative. A person high in compliance is naturally task-oriented and process-oriented. Because of that, the compliance factor can morph into…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – How to Dial Down your Steadiness
In certain situations, you must learn how to dial down your steadiness. This may occur when you must make split-second decisions. In these cases, it is necessary to dial down your steadiness to act quickly. In management positions or leadership roles within your team, you should dial down your steadiness factor in order to allow…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – How to Dial Down Influence
Since everyone has a bit of each of the four primary factors, it is important to understand that the mix of levels or elevations determines how much governance these four factors will have over your behavior. In this article, we are going to talk in depth about the Influence factor’s potential negative impact. We explore…
Read MoreDISC Assessment – How to Dial Down Dominance
Since everyone has a bit of each of the four primary factors, it is important to understand that the mix of levels or elevations determines how much governance these four factors will have over your behavior. In this article we are going to talk in depth about the Dominance factor’s potential negative impact and when…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated D Pattern
Individuals who have an elevated score in dominance generally exhibit extrovert and controlling types of tendencies: They are usually a combination of independence, efficiency, and self-motivation characteristics. Elevated D Personalities are driven to achieve, love getting results, and are determined to find success. Often, the Elevated D individual will break established rules and guidelines if…
Read MoreDISC Patterns Explained – Elevated I Pattern
Individuals who have an elevated score in Influence generally exhibit these types of tendencies: They tend to have a magnetic, charismatic personality. They make friends easily and love the social atmosphere. Generally, they are trusted by their friends. And, they rarely if ever break that trust because they hate to erode or destroy relationships. Usually,…
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