DISC Report Debrief

Today we are going to walk you thru a sample DISC report, but before we get started, it is important to note that no one person or company owns DISC. DISC is based on research and theories and has been adapted over time. Indaba Global Coaching Founder and Owner Hellen Davis created her own version…

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Does Cold Calling Work?

does cold calling work

Does Cold Calling Work? How do you generate inbound leads and sales? My company, Indaba Global, is a training and development company that works with everything from small businesses up to Fortune 500 clients, and we have identified a trend among clients we coach. Companies are focusing on the wrong resources and overpaying for outdated…

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Using DISC assessments in the classroom

Using DISC assessments in the classroom.

DISC Assessments are on campuses across the United States. The DISC program is being used at all levels. From undergrad to MBA classes. DISC Assessments help identify a student’s strengths and potential challenges. DISC reports identify students motivators and stressors. Teaching students the basics of DISC is a great way to engage students. The program…

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Improve student’s soft skills

Improve student's soft skills

Improve student’s soft skills by using DISC! Employers believe students are coming into the workforce unprepared. Meaning that college graduates have a skills gap. Students have the grades and training to perform their job. However, they aren’t learning how to communicate with others. Our DISC assessment solves this problem. The DISC program will improve student’s soft…

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