Country Maid DISCflex Order Page

Welcome to the Country Maid DISCflex™ Order Page!

We have a library of DISC programs listed below for you to choose from and have outlined the process for you:

Step 1- Select the program(s) you wish to purchase

Step 2- Add the program(s) to your cart

Step 3 -Once you add the program to your cart you will be redirected to the checkout page.

Step 4- Please select the quantity of units you would like and click the checkout with PayPal.

Step 5- Checkout- We process online orders via PayPal and Debit/Credit Cards.

Once your order is processed you will receive an email from an Indaba representative with instructions on how to access your program(s). To ensure you receive an email from our Indaba Team we ask you add and to your safe sender list in your email account.


If you have any questions about ordering, please contact Indaba at

Purchase Individual Assessments

Essentials DISC Cover

DISCflex™ Essentials

DISCflex™ Essentials gives you baseline info on a user's behavioral tendencies. The 13-page report provides the user with personalized DISC factor information including the user's Strengths/Challenges and Motivators/Stressors. The report also provides sub-factor information and allows the user to gain a 360 view by asking for 3rd party feedback.

Buy Now -$20.00 

BBR Cover
BBR Cover

DISCflex Business Behaviors

Our standard DISC assessment allows you to gain self and third party awareness on your behavioral tendencies. The report includes your individual DISC factor scores, sub-factor information on how your DISC factors relate to one another, and third party perception of 360 results.

Report -$30.00 

Report + Recommended eLearning -$60.00 

Interview Guide Cover

DISCflex Behavioral Interview Guide

The DISCflex Interviewing Guide explains how the individual DISCflex Factors (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Compliance) govern the choices a candidate might make. We all use each of the four DISC behavioral factors in different ways, and the report suggests a series of behavior-based interviewing questions designed to help the interviewer gauge the candidate's ability to 'flex' their behavior for work situations they might find themselves faced with should they be recommended for the position. The Interviewing Guide assessment takes a candidate approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Behavioral Interview Guide -$30.00 

Leadership Cover

DISCflex Leadership

The DISCflex Leadership Program uses all the same information as the Business Behaviors Program and builds upon the coaching pages. Instead of getting a one-page summary about specific sub-topics the report goes in-depth providing multiple coaching pages along with actives and models proven deliver success.

Report -$60.00 

Report + Recommended eLearning -$90.00 

Sales Cover

DISCflex Sales

This DISCflex Sales Program is a comprehensive and designed to provide the same level of in-depth analysis as our Leadership Report. You will find this report is catered to training and developing sales people for success using their behavioral tendencies and proven methods for success.

Assessment -$60.00 

Assessment+ Recommended eLearning -$90.00