Specialized Recruiting Services
The link between WHAT people can do (performance skills and competencies) and HOW they go about their responsibilities (behavioral proficiency) are critical aspects of a great hire. We’ve all hired prima donnas. They are extremely knowledgeable; but terrible team members. We’ve also hired people who looked great on paper, but couldn’t fit in or do the job. This is where hiring mistakes become costly.
Assessing behavior and competency in the recruiting process and coaching people is our strength. Our Recruiting Process focuses on assessing candidates from a Behavior & Performance standpoint. The goal is to bring ‘better fit’ candidates into your organization. As part of our commitment, we coach New Hires to make sure they are successful integrating into your organization. This coaching service is at the core of our mutual success.
We realize that the new hire must be a great fit for the team. The relationship between the New Hire and their direct supervisor is vitally important. As part of the Indaba Recruiting Process, we provide complimentary assessments of the team the new hire will join. Awareness of behavioral preferences between the parties sets all up for success.
Who do we recruit?
We specialize in high tech, hard-to-find, IT, sales, marketing, finance and design roles, to name a few. In particular, we spot talented leaders and managers.
What makes Indaba Recruiting Different?
People often ask us why we got into recruiting. As Executive Coaches, our clients dealt with the fallout and price tag of hiring mismatches (aka bad hires). Those costs – direct and indirect – are substantial no matter what level of employee you’ve onboarded. These mismatches happened time and again, and clients started to ask us to step into the recruiting process – advising, interviewing and providing our suite of DISCflex Assessment tools. Clients found that when we participated, they experienced less mismatches – better ‘fits’, less attrition and happier hires and teams.
The DISCflex Recruiting Process focuses on 3 key hiring components:
The unfortunate truth is: Your hiring panel members don’t get a lot of time to assess any candidate. The interviewing process poses significant risks.
Think about the costs of a hiring mismatch – onboarding a bad hire: If you mismatch…
- Performance Mismatch (What - skills) You’ll onboard someone isn’t qualified, isn’t at the skill level you thought, or lacks the technical experience for the position.
- Behavior Mismatch (How – actions and habits) You’ll bring in an individual who might be unpolished from a behavior standpoint. You wonder what they’re going to do next! They might be inappropriate for the culture and their habits run counter to your organization’s values. They might be a bit immature, uncommunicative, gossipy, or bullying. That rockstar isn’t the team player you need, or lacks emotional intelligence - doing things or making statements that undermine team motivation or business goals, annoying customers, or worse – putting your organization at risk!
- Attendance Mismatch (When & When – presence) You’ll have someone who is basically uncommitted. They might be habitually late, check out early, resent your core hours, don’t want to travel, won’t go the extra mile when time is pressing. They aren’t ‘present’ or are ‘quietly quitting’.
Avoiding the costs and frustrations of any Performance, Behavior or Attendance mismatch is the entire focus of DISCflex Recruiting strategy.
And BTW: We’re exceptionally talented getting to the heart of the most important and least understood – the behavioral interviewing segment.
Our Commitment & Process: We know how to ‘promote’ your opportunity to great candidates and most important... We believe in process; it’s what has always set us apart. If you look at the Specialized Recruiting Services Chart on this page, you’ll see an overview of the process that truly sets us apart. In just a little while, we’ll go down these points step-by-step.
I say this with the utmost confidence in our DISCflex Recruiting Team: We are great at sourcing, qualifying, and closing the types of candidates you need! We understand that every recruiting firm will say that, so look at what our clients say:

What do our customers Say?
“Listen very carefully to these words: These people are the BEST strategic teambuilding recruiting coaching team I have ever dealt with – BAR NONE!”
C.P. St. Petersburg, FL*
“Every single person we’ve hired has been an A-player – from management, to technical, marketing, to C-suite hires. I have no idea how they do it. Then you add the teambuilding strategic hiring element – Oh My Word – they’ve saved us a ton of heartache. I credit them with saving us over $4 million.”
D.C. NY, NY*
“We’re in a complex business and tried for 3 years to get one decent candidate – burned through 7 people – plus tons of money, time, mentoring and training. It was so frustrating! Something was wrong and a client referred us to DISCflex Recruiting. They sent us 3 “Purple Squirrel” candidates in 6 weeks. The candidates were so good, we immediately got approval to offer two of the candidates jobs and now working with the third to bring him on in the Fall. Unbelievable!”
G.H. Financial Services Firm Clearwater, Florida*
“Why do we use DISCflex Recruiting? Honestly, because we are terrible at finding the right people for our teams. We’ve proven that over and over. We truly suck at it. There’s no way we’re letting them go!
“We’re confident in these hires because DISCflex Recruiting helped us with our hiring strategy, then targeted the leaders and staff we brought on last year with really strict job description points. The new people fit in perfectly and ramped up really fast! The team is absolutely thriving.”
K.D. San Francisco, CA*
“I’m telling you these guys have some sort of crystal ball for hiring. Never will I ever go anywhere else, and we’re never never never going to do this ourselves again! Plus I’m not telling my competitors our secret weapon – DISCflex Recruiting!”
C.D. Rochester, NY*
*Happy to get on the phone to verify.
The bottom line: We guarantee results. We are confident and disciplined. We know that we can help your organization attract the talent they need.
Who do we recruit?
We specialize in finding the right fit for your organization in office management and administrative personnel, high tech knowledge workers, engineering teams, hard-to-find ‘purple squirrels’, IT, sales, marketing, finance and design roles, to name a few. In particular, we spot talented leaders and managers across the board. Geographically, we are experienced and diverse, operating across the globe. Most important, through our process, we’ll uncover the PBAs for your best fit candidates. We call them your ‘Purple Squirrels’. We’ll work tirelessly to bring them to the table for you!
The DISCflex Recruiting Process – Step-by-Step Specialized Recruiting Services
Now let’s explain each of the bullet points in the Specialized Recruiting Services Chart detail. The first thing you’ll notice are the green check marks, yellow question marks and red x’s. The purpose of the chart is to underscore the differences in recruiting services for DISCflex Recruiting, headhunters, internal recruiters and those hiring managers that recruit with no help. Green check are self-explanatory – wherever you see one, these are typically included in the recruiting process for that entity. Yellow question marks are designed to give you pause, because we don’t know the answer, but typically, these are not something the entity would provide as a matter of course. And finally, the red x’s are things that we know the entity cannot or doesn’t typically do or provide. Immediately upon examination, you’ll see a few areas where we are changing the landscape of recruiting. And BTW, if your team wants to learn how to recruit like we do, we can help train and certify them. Reach out to Info@DISCflexRecruiting.com for additional information.
Note: all services are included in the standard fees.

Assess the direct supervisor and current team with DISCflex
Before you launch a job search, it’s logical to understand the dynamics of the team the candidate will be joining. An integral part of the Indaba Recruiting Process – a key discriminator - we provide complimentary assessments to all existing team members and the direct supervisor/hiring manager so that we can analyze the ‘team fit’ for a Team Governing Behavior aspect. In this way, we can provide a snapshot of the Team’s Governing Behavior at the micro and macro level. When you have data in hand, you can craft a ‘Cloning’ or ‘Fill-the-Gap’ strategy to search for the best fit from a PBA (performance, behavior, and attendance) perspective. This is done not through guesswork, but by using our suite of fully-validated behavior assessments. Show snapshot of Team report pages – allow for download sample report

Team Fit is Critical - It Starts with the Hiring Manager and the Current Team
Team Behavior Report
The Team Behavior Report allows you to select people to form the team the potential New Hire will join. Process: Once you have selected your team, pick a team leader and the system will generate a comprehensive Team DISCflex Report. At the click of a button, we can run permeations, adding or subtracting members or potential candidates, and immediately regenerate an updated report. The report includes your team’s individual DISC scores and patterns data, the team leader’s potential strengths and challenges, Team Governing Behaviors data, and an affinity diagram detailing high and low behavioral clusters that present on that particular team as selected. Additionally, the report details the 9 Steps of a Successful Team mapped out with the useful DISC factors for each step.
Most important, the DISCflex Recruiting Team can walk you through the hiring campaign to ensure success. Our executive coaches have been doing this for decades!
Team Fit is Crucial
Each candidate completes a DISCflex Assessment so that we can add the candidate’s profile into the current team to gauge impact on the Team’s Governing Behavior. Awareness of behavioral preferences amongst team members sets all up for success and is a tremendous help for interviewing, helps to build trust and make the candidate feel comfortable, and in onboarding.
Analyze Performance/skills, behavior/maturity, & Attendance parameters
The link between WHAT people can do (performance skills and competencies), HOW they go about their responsibilities (behavioral proficiency) and WHEN & WHERE (attendance parameters) are critical aspects of a great hire. Defining these properly is the crux of a stellar recruiting campaign. They are the spring board that determines the type of campaign – clone or fill-the-gap – that you should select.
Determine ‘Cloning’ versus ‘Fill-the-Gap’ Strategy
By crafting either a ‘Cloning’ or ‘Fill-the-Gap’ strategy, DISCflex Recruiting in concert with the hiring managers can create a more deliberate campaign.
- Cloning your previous employees or top performers means that you are hiring people who are very similar to the person they are replacing.
- Filling-the-Gap means identifying your team's behavioral or skills deficiencies and finding candidates who can complement them or plug PBA holes.
It is imperative to go down the correct strategic path when crafting a hiring strategy. There are significant pros/cons for each. This makes it easier to focus on recruiting candidates with the relevant skills and experience, rather than just looking for a general fit.
Craft a Killer Job Description: Behavior, Performance & Attendance Fit
Have you ever read a posting and said; “Oh my goodness, I’d love that job. It sounds perfect for me!” A great job description is a marketing ‘hook’. If you don’t ‘hook’ them, you can’t reel them in. But you don’t want to reel in indiscriminately. That’s a waste of time, and it actually stops you from hooking a ‘better fish’! Job descriptions must have that perfect mix of skills and experience hooks, attendance requirements, and the secret sauce is the emotional and behavioral ‘hook’. When you get this right, candidates feel that there’s a Performance, Attendance & Behavior Match which drives their desire to want to fill the position – and that’s critical! A fabulously written job description that captures the position from a behavior and performance standpoint is golden! It’s truly the key to reeling in fabulous candidates. Plus, it also helps candidates ‘self-selection out’ – where it doesn’t ‘feel right’.
Train interviewing panel/hiring manager on Behavioral Interviewing & Disc, provide eLearning Suite
Assessing behavioral flexibility and appropriateness for the position in concert with evaluating skills and competency has always been our particular strength. We recognize it’s a skill that takes a high level of training on behavioral competency, coaching, communication, and interviewing. Admittedly, these are skills that are expected of any interviewer, but most often these critical competencies aren’t necessarily as finely honed in hiring managers, junior recruiters, or the interviewing panel as you would imagine. If recruiting and interviewing aren’t your primary jobs, this is completely understandable. And that’s where we make a tremendous impact in the recruiting process. We’ll help you by training the interviewers in how to conduct a PBA-based interview and in particular, we’ll ramp up the behavior interviewing skills and get the interviewing team prepared and ready to roll! And we’ll include the entire DISCflex eLearning Suite to your panel members for an entire year too!
Post Job
Knowing where to post for which jobs is one of our strengths and it’s one of our secret sauces! Posting strategy saves effort and helps reel in the best candidates.
Reach Out to Extensive Existing Candidate Network
DISCflex is well-connected and well respected. The best candidates are the ones who don’t have to look very far to get a job….In fact, most of them aren’t looking! We have an impressive contact list and when we reach out, people tend to connect. When your opportunity might be a great fit for someone we know is or will be on the market, we’ll pitch it to them. These types of people are in high demand and not trolling the job boards!
Provide Behavior Assessments to Every Candidate
Each prescreened candidate will complete a DISCflex Assessment prior to advancing to the first round of screening by the DISCflex Recruiting team. These results will be forwarded through to the Interviewing Panel if the candidate advances to this part of the interview process. DISCflex’s purpose is to prep for the candidate interview so that the team is adequately prepared to ask the relevant behavior-based questions.
Interview Candidates For ‘PBA Match’
The DISCflex Recruiting Team utilize a combination of Assessments, Behavior-Based Interviewing and Performance-based Qualifying. We also determine if there is an Attendance match. We provide reports and analysis that inform decision making. We train your interviewing panel in selection decision making as part of our engagement.
People trust us to put great people into their organizations; and to coach the management team and candidates in harmony to attain successful workplace experiences. We are highly disciplined in our approach to recruiting, onboarding, and coaching new hires. We are very proud of our outcomes and results.
Send Appropriate Candidates Through to the Interviewing Panel
The DISCflex Recruiting Team will only advance appropriately screened candidates through to interviewing panel. We will discuss our findings and provide PBA talking points, DISCflex assessments, and pros/cons for the position. We will also provide behavior-based interviewing questions specific to the candidate and a scoring mechanism for Behavior-based Interviewing if desired. Anybody can inadvertently hire people who looked great on paper, but couldn’t fit in or do the job. Organizations hire prima donnas who are extremely knowledgeable, but terrible team members. Tech teams have onboarded leaders they thought would be fabulous, but they just didn’t get it done! Bottom line: Hiring mistakes become costly at any level of the organization. Our prescreening from a PBA (Performance, Behavior and Attendance) standpoint certainly helps to mitigate this. Additionally, having people who are highly experienced in interviewing and who have different behavioral preferences and competencies interviewing your candidates is wise because it tends to reduce the effects of personal and professional biases.
Provide Insight for Selection of Final Candidates
We will help your interviewing panel weigh the pros/cons of each candidate. No one is ever going to be a perfect fit and an objective 3rd party who is highly skilled in weighing the PBAs of each potential is what many of our clients find invaluable. New Hire This includes providing updated DISCflex Team Reports which include potential candidates’ scores and Team Governing Behavior impact/s.
Understanding each candidate’s behavioral preferences will play a part in how you view how effectively the potential new hire might mesh with the team. When you examine the DISCflex team report, imagine that we create a separate team report for each candidate AS IF THEY WERE ALREADY ON THE TEAM. This provides invaluable insight into how the dynamics of the team will change after that person joins. Then, post selection, when a hiring leader knows the general behavioral tendencies of each current individual team member and can ‘plug in’ the potential new hire’s preferences and map these into the team, something magical happens! Firstly, when onboarding new hires, the leader and team members can adjust their influencing and communication approach to help the new person feel accepted and comfortable. This builds trust quickly, which helps the team maintain momentum whenever a new member joins. Understanding how the new hire ‘ticks’ helps current team members accept why the candidate was brought in, fostering teamwork right from the starting date. Additionally, behavior plays an important role in how the person engages, communicates, and prefers to interact and be held accountable by their new team. Mutual understanding breeds mutual respect.
We stay engaged! 30,60, 90-day tag up with Manager and New Hire included
On-boarding Isn’t Our Off-boarding - Your Success in Our Success
We gauge our success through the success of the New Hire in their role. As part of our DISCflex Recruiting commitment, we tag up with New Hires for several months at their 30-, 60-, and 90-day marks By promising to stay in touch, we can help to identify any concerns, misunderstandings, or challenges early and promote timely interventions by the New Hire and their manager. New Hires should reach out but for many reasons, they don’t do so enough – especially when their expectations aren’t met. When New Hires and managers know we have a scheduled follow-up with someone they know they can trust, we find that we can quickly discuss and identify any employee's onboarding issues early on which can help prevent disengagement and eventual turnover. This is the number one way to save people from making the decision to leave the team within the first few months of employment.
We also provide each New Hire with our comprehensive Enterprise Development eLearning Suite for a full year. This helps to make sure they are successful integrating into your organization. This coaching service is at the core of our mutual success.
We have an ‘open door’ policy with the New Hire, creating a trusted space where they can ask questions, simply vent, or get their concerns out in the open. Additionally, we have the same with the Hiring Manager, providing an open environment where they can discuss their relationship with the New Hire with one of the DISCflex Recruiting Team. Ultimately, the effort put into monitoring new hires during these critical phases can lead to smoother onboarding, improved productivity, and higher employee retention rates – which are significant time and cost savers, especially when compared to what may be required to fix these issues later.
Provide FREE eLearning Suite
All members of the team receive 12-month access to the comprehensive Enterprise Development eLearning Library.
Train the Internal HR Recruiting Team in the DISCflex Recruiting Process
We are changing the landscape of recruiting. If you like what we’re doing and want ot incorporate some or all of our methods into your recruiting team, we can help train and certify you. Reach out to Info@DISCflexRecruiting.com for additional information.
Our Staff, Our History, and Our Network
Our Staff: We bring a different level of candidate sourcing, assessment, interviewing and selection to the table, often ensuring that very best candidates are hired. We are a highly diverse team encompassing an array of disciplines from engineering, IT, executive coaching, sales, and management through Board Level experience. All are highly competent in their field; and none chose recruiting as a first option – they evolved to it because of their passion and skill sets. Why does this make a sense?
- We know how to assess, qualify, and spot talent.
- We know how to get to the heart of behavioral and performance competencies efficiently.
- Every person on the DISCflex Recruiting Team has a high level of experience in our core competencies. We collaborate to find your ‘Purple Squirrels’.
Indaba Global's Recruiting Team will use their resources, domain knowledge, experience, skill, and its best efforts to identify, recruit, screen, test, and check candidates according to Indaba Global Standard Practices. Indaba Global will fulfill its Recruiting responsibilities according to Hiring Manager Position Requirement (HMPRs) for each Client request in accordance with standard pre-employment practices for identifying qualified Client candidates for a position. Tools and systems will be addressed and billed according to the specifics in HMPRs for each position.
General Overview of Recruiting Responsibilities
Our Recruiting Team shall provide Client with the following recruiting deliverables/tasks:
- Source, qualify, engage, and attract top talent for the Client.
- Manage a talent acquisition strategy that involves a prospect funnel, applicant funnel, and driving the activity for candidate acquisition.
- Cultivate and maintain an ongoing relationship with hiring managers and Client to facilitate workforce planning strategies and create partnerships that ensure a fast and simple hiring process.
- Make suggestions prior to Candidate offers, suggest ideas for strategic closing plans, engage to help negotiate compensation packages, with the goal for the Client to ultimately offer top candidates a position at the Client’s organization.
- Understand the market and design innovative and creative ways to connect and attract the appropriate talent for the Client.
- Collaborate with hiring manager, interviewing team, and recruiting team members to ensure an exceptional candidate experience.
- Maintain reporting metrics and generate reports on a regular cadence as required in the Hiring Manager Position Requirements (HMPRs).
- Hand off to onboarding coach to continue the Candidate Experience as required in the HMPRs.