Hire a Professional Coach

Coaching Methodology

Indaba Professional Coaches provide a sounding board for their clients. Most important, they provide models of excellence, a proven process, and knowledge for their clients to follow so that they work towards achieving their goals.
Our Coaches help clients ‘hold up their mirror’ in a productive way that people too close to the client and/or the situation often can’t. We help clients understand that a monumental ‘shift in thinking’ followed by short- and long-term shifts in behavior can indeed create healthier habits. We help motivate them and hold them accountable because this ‘shift’ takes time and concentrated effort.
When the client becomes discouraged, experiences internal anguish or loses hope again their coach can be their sounding board, supporter, as well as their ‘accountability person’. Many times, shifting these vital elements from another person (family member, boss, etc.) to their coach preserves vital relationships and allows the person to be vulnerable so they can admit when they need help.
Increasing behavior awareness and enhancing future performance simultaneously often require a ‘shift in thinking’. Often, people are never taught precisely how to make a ‘behavioral shift’ as well as an ‘actions shift’. Often the reason that coaching efforts don’t ‘stick’ is that these two don’t line up. Even if the person wants to do both, they just don’t have the knowledge, tools, or accountability coach to get there. That’s why Indaba Coaching is so important.
An Indaba Professional Coach helps their clients walk through their goals in appropriate timelines. A Coach also stresses the need for introspection and self-examination, resulting in a rational and critical approach to solving ethical dilemmas and problems and juggling paradoxes. They help the client clarify their thinking by asking probing questions, listening intently for both intent and decision making that will result in actions, behaviors, and habits. The coach is trained to provide clear definitions of basic concepts. They provide insight into the client’s natural behavior patterns and explain the behaviors vital for the client to exhibit. Most important, they track progress and provide a standard for accountability.
Unlike other coaching methodologies, we do not believe the client has all the answers. We believe that no one has all the answers for the things they face in life. With that guiding principle, we not only ask probing questions, we help the client walk through options, and ask them to explore the consequences of their decision making. Through questioning, probing, observing, and interviewing we can provide suggestions, options, and education to help in this realm.
We use our own DISC Assessment that we created - DISCflex with our coaching clients. DISCflex uncovers the client’s behavioral tendencies and our coaches can help them flex their behavior to maximize their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. Flexing behavior to the situations our clients face is an extremely important skill set: Behavior is what causes action. Repeated ingrained actions are habits. Think of the way to tune into all your habits as if you are a radio. Each station is a different habit. By raising or lowering the frequency dial (dialing up and dialing down), you can ‘set’ your station (your behavior) for whatever situation you are facing. This way of thinking sets the tone for acquiring better Behavior. We have proven for more than three decades that behavioral change is possible in any arena of life – from communicating effectively, dealing with anger, handling employee concerns, working with different people, and just about every professional skill imaginable. With the appropriate knowledge and guidance from an experienced Indaba Coach, clients can acquire enhanced proficiency in Performance and Behavior.
Professional Coach - Hellen Davis

Hellen Davis, Founder, and CEO of Indaba Global Coaching LLC has over 25 years of experience as a professional coach. Hellen's background is in Sales, Insurance, and Computer Programming. She provides Hellen is an Executive and Life Coaching to clients around the world.
Hellen's Story
Hellen Davis grew up in South Africa. While in South Africa she owned an import/export company, served as a paratroop instructor for the government, and was successful in insurance sales.
Hellen has a love for traveling and was educated in multiple countries - South Africa, United Kingdom, and the United States. She migrated to the United States to become a model and later went into insurance sales.
After quickly rising to the top of the insurance industry her entrepreneurial mind took over. She started a cosmetic company which she successfully built and sold to start Indaba Global.
Hellen's Experience
Hellen Davis is the CEO and founder of Indaba Global Coaching, LLC. She is also an executive officer of Indaba Health and Wellness, LLC. Hellen is respected for her extensive knowledge of accountability and executing strategic goals, as well as influencing strategies, strategic planning, behavior modification processes, sales and peak performance management expertise, and negotiation tactics. Ms. Davis has written many books, including the best-selling The 21 Laws of Influence. Her favorite is Noble Intent, co-authored by Fran Landolf. Her clients include executives and leaders from dozens of Fortune 100 corporations, as well as leadership in the top agencies in the public sector.
Hellen's Achievements
Hellen started Indaba to use her knowledge and expertise to help other professionals. She began by speaking and signing individual clients to take through her self-developed coaching materials. After building a book of business, she decided to automate her materials by creating them as eLearning programs.
Hellen could now deliver the content she used to create a successful company to people all over the globe. The eLearning programs were a hit and the MBA-level courses allowed clients to use the materials from the convenience of their own homes. Hellen was not done, she soon after created her own behavior assessment, DISCflex.
Indaba Global's software platform is the culmination of Hellen's life work. It allows clients to access content-rich materials and assessments. Hellen uses these programs with her clients, and Indaba Global supplies these programs to colleges, businesses, and coaches across the globe.