Performance and Behavior
Performance and Behavior
As professionals advance, their performance and behavior will determine where they end up. Indaba Global has created a Performance and Behavior Model that measures where an employee is currently, and shows the progression needed to advance to the higher stages.
Behavior modification skills (from the bottom to the top of the chart), relate to how employees become much easier to work with. As they advance through the stages of performance (from the left to the right of the chart), they are more likely to be viewed as an expert in their field. In order to become that invaluable and irreplaceable stellar role model, you must have highly advanced skills in both categories.
Performance Behavior Model: Performance and Behavior
As you enhance performance and successfully change behaviors you will achieve Transformational Results. A technically skilled employee/teammate without proper behavioral skills and awareness can be just as damaging to a team as a highly mature employee/teammate with no technical skills at all! The key to success in a business environment is to possess strong technical skills and achieve a level of behavioral intelligence to become a trusted and respected member of the team. When a technically skilled individual learns to put ego aside, help others who are struggling (rather than throw them under the bus), and ultimately teach others to do their job… they will achieve success within their organization.
When training employees using the Performance and Behavior Model it is important, to be honest in your assessment of their current Performance and Behavior skills separately. Once you have independently assessed each level, refer back to the Performance and Behavior Model to see where they are, and how they can improve.
Measuring Performance:
Start at P1. If the employee fully understands and displays their knowledge of their actions then they have successfully achieved that level. The highest level of achievement is their current Performance level.
Measuring Behavior:
Start at B1. If the employee fully understands and displays these behaviors then they have successfully achieved that level. The highest level of achievement is their current Behavior level.
It is important to understand that moving employees through the Performance and Behavior Model takes time. It is a step by step process. Set SMART Goals and follow up often. Ensure each step is successfully completed before the next step begins.
Navigating Performance:
Performance skills are acquired in a variety of ways. By going to school. Company training. Executive Coaching, etc. What type of job do you have? Does your employer offer any training? How can you gain the skills that you want? What can you do to perform better?
Behavior Matters:
Behavior plays a key role in promotions and career longevity. However, it is rarely taught in college or on the job. College students joining the workforce don’t have the soft skill training they need before they enter the workforce. This means they have to figure it out on the job. A lot of companies do not address behavior in their training’s. However, companies desire and expect maturity. It takes time to display maturity in the workplace.
Navigating Behavior:
Behavior is often forgotten in a companies on-boarding process. DISCflex Behavior Assessments help employees move through B1 and B2. They are able to start to focus on setting their ego aside. They then can take others into consideration (B3). DISC teaches the user about their own style of communication. How that style can affect others opinions about them (B1). Users can get a better grasp of where they are today vs where they want to be.